Hello, I’m

Kousik Manna


1  const Person = () => {
2      const [name, setName] = useState('')
3      const [trait , setTrait ] = useState('')
4      setName("Kousik Manna");
5      setTrait("WEB DEVELOPER");
6      return (
7        <>
8          <p>{name trait}</p>
9        </>
10      )
11  }

About Me

Hi, I'm Kousik Manna, a passionate self-taught web developer from India, I started programming with C in school then I jumped to javascript for Web App development and now I am working with Node.js, React.js. I tend to make use of modern web technologies to build websites that look great, feel fantastic, and function correctly. I am especially focusing on Reactjs, and I love using Nextjs on my projects.

My Skillsets


Slack Clone

Slack Clone

this is slack clone

Electro Stote

Electro Stote

Electro store is a E-commerce app made with reactjs, redux toolkit, react router v6, expressjs & mongodb.

Tour App

Tour App

Tour booking app made with nextjs, tailwindcss and backend expressjs & mongodb.

Chat App

Chat App

Chat App build on Reactjs, expressjs & apollo server, GraphQL subscriptions for real time communication.

Airbnb Clone

Airbnb Clone

Airbnb clone build using React, React Hooks, React Router Dom and Material-ui



This very website you are now watching, made with nextjs & contentfulCMS

World Ranks

World Ranks

Website for countries ranks interns of populations, area, gini rating made with nextjs.

Hulu Clone

Hulu Clone

Hulu clone build using React, React-Hooks, Axios and moviedb api.

Amazon Clone

Amazon Clone

Amazon Clone build using React, React-Hooks, React Router Dom, Firebase and Stripe.
